Who is Alex Trebek?
This beloved game show host, pop culture icon and sesquicentennial ambassador—plus newly inducted officer of the Order of Canada—is a lifelong champion of his home country.
Cross-country couch surfing
The Red Couch Tour, a Canada 150 Signature Project, invited Canadians from coast to coast to coast to sit down and say what this country means to them.
The Trailer Park Boys' favourite things
The boys have charmed audiences across the country as the foul-mouthed, low-brow trio behind Trailer Park Boys—a comedic mockumentary turned mini-empire that now spans 11 television seasons.
They were five: the Dionne quintuplets
Revisiting the shameful treatment of the world's first surviving quints—who were made wards of the Ontario government, and put on public display as tourist attractions.
Master of puppets
Mr. Dressup taught generations of kids to keep their crayons sharp, their sticky tape untangled and to always put the tops back on their markers.
Double-Double forever
Don't hide your love, Canada: the non-guilty pleasure of Tim Hortons coffee.
Beautiful losers
In defence of the Trailer Park Boys, progressive Canadian heroes.
Life as a Lunatic
Monthly coping skills and lessons gleaned from life as a lunatic.